# without emotion there is no long-term memory # without surprise there is information #permanentnote - source: - [[book - Jim Kwik Superbrains quest]] - https://zettelkasten.de/posts/zettelkasten-improves-thinking-writing/ & 2, 3, 4 - [[zt - zettelkasten as a knowledge tool]] - keywords: - [[topic - information management]] - [[how to remember things]] - relevant notes - [[zt - zettelkasten as a knowledge tool]] as a method to create connections and emotions (surprise) and expand memory - notes - Without emotion there is no long-term memory - surprise, disgust, fear, fun, joy are all emotions to use - Long-term memory = ideas + emotion aka $LTM = i + e$ - Using the imagination to create images and stories that generate emotion (disgust, surprise, fun, happiness ) is used by various memorisation tecnics. [[zt - sun list]] [[zt - major method]] [[zt - body places]] which are combined by professional reminders.