# we see based on our narrative #permanentnote ## Source - [[tvshow - Cosmos]] - [[book - The 7 habits of highly effective people]] - [[Seth Godin]] - [[book - The art of possibility]] ## Keywords (topics and howto) - [[topic - my core beliefs]] - [[topic - live a great life]] - [[how to be a better self]] ## Relevant notes - [[zt - avoiding common biases]] as bias are just another narrative - [[zt - giving an A]] is a way to bring a positive narrative to use to look at the world. - The worst is when most of our limitations are rooted in the narrative we tell ourselves - [[zt - it is all invented]] ## Notes - We see based on our narrative - You don't observe and then have an hypotesis. You create a theory so you know what to look for. ### Story of a kids being a pain in the tube Sir you are distrubing many persons Their mum died one hour ago. I do not know what to do and them too