# Tools for team #permanentnote [[topic - simplification]] and [[zt - chief simplification officer]] ## Keywords (topics and howto) - [[topic - leading and managing]] - [[topic - mentoring, advising and coaching]] - [[how to build a team]] - [[how to be a better leader]] ## Notes, inc. relevant notes - Tools to use with the team - [[book - six thinking hats]] for decisions - [[book - getting things done (GTD)]] for organisation and transfer of todo - [[book - Wardley Maps]] to discuss the current landscape - Wardley maps are forward-looking, while most business training are backward-looking - we can talk of services offered (SD) - including doctrine - climatic patterns - [[zt - the concept of strategy]] - [[book - Measure what matters]] OKR - MBOs - [[how to do better meetings]] a group of tools and techniques for meetings - [[Movie - Close your open door policy and do this instead]] a short video I did to push one-to-ones instead of an open door policy.