# Never assume always test
## Source
- [[my brain]]
- [[book - Never Split the difference]]
- [[book - Creativity Inc]]
## Keywords (topics and howto)
- [[topic - learning to learn]]
- [[topic - information management]]
- [[topic - mentoring, advising and coaching]]
- [[how to be a better leader]]
- [[how to be a better advisor]]
## Relevant notes
- [[zt - let them lead]] as this is a form of test on people's capabilities.
- [[zt - managing mistakes]] after testing mistakes are going to happen
- use [[zt - socratic questions]] to test people's views
- [[zt - we see based on our narrative]] so don't be limited
- [[zt - chief simplification officer]]
## Notes
- It is always worth testing as much as possible and learn from it. If talking with people, it is good to test people's ideas too instead of putting words in their mind.
- Use assumptions as hypotheses to be tested during the negotiation/conversation. Do not commit to them until proven.
- experiments are fact finding missions [[book - Creativity Inc]]
- When experimentation is seen as a necessity and productive, ot as a frustrating waste of time, people will enjoy their work, even when it is confonding them
- Unless an idea cannot be proven wrong by a fact it is not scientific