# Finite and Infinite games #permanentnote ## Source - [[Simon Sinek TED interview 2021]] ## Keywords (topics and howto) - [[topic - mental models]] - [[topic - simplification]] - [[topic - leading and managing]] - [[how to be a better self]] - [[how to be a better leader]] - [[how to be a better father]] ## Relevant notes - [[book - Creativity Inc]] ## Notes A *finite* game is a game with a beginning and an end, with very defined rules, and when the game ends, the player moves on. All sports, video games, and board games are finite games. An *infinite* game is a game that never ends, where rules change, where the game never ends, and players change. The object of an infinite game is to perpetuate the game. An infinite game is endless. Life is an infinite game. Business is an infinite game. > Life is an infinite game. Playing infinite games as if they were finite harms trust, collaboration, and innovation.