# Using the six thinking hats #permanentnote ## Source - [[book - six thinking hats]] - [The de Bono Group](https://www.debonogroup.com/services/core-programs/six-thinking-hats/) ## Keywords (topics and howto) - [[topic - personal efficiency]] - [[topic - information management]] - [[topic - leading and managing]] - [[how to do better meetings]] - [[how to be a better communicator]] ## Relevant notes - In our culture we look for a conclusion and then write essay to support such conclusion [[zt - we see based on our narrative]] and the [[book - six thinking hats]] is a way to get out of that mindset ## Notes ### White hat purely factual, no interpretations Data, data without though like a computer Include asking questions like: - How to get the data? - What data is needed? - What is missing? - What do we need to ask? - How do we get the info? There are two types of facts under the white hat: checked facts and believed facts. Checked facts are proven, believed are heard or remembered. A believed fact needs to be checked to be used further. ### Black: survival, conservative view - The black hat statement must be good in print - Be as cautious as possible - Find problems BUT NOT SOLVE. Solving is yellow hat. ### Red: emotions, how do I feel - Red Hat is about emotions in the now, unfiltered, without the need of an explanation. Takes 5 seconds max per person - Useful when used at the beginning and the end of meeting ### Yellow: positive, can do it approach - Effectiveness rather than novelty - Optimisit with a follow up. Can be acted on it! - Generation of proposals, improvement of proposals, positivie assessment of proposal ### Green: creative, finding new solutions - Creativity - New ideas - We could do this, we could do that... - Not old ideas, that is yellow - have new ideas and see where they could get us - [[zt - new ideas need protection]] ### Blue: organiser - Facilitator (Chair/Leader) - It is a great way to stay out of the meeting - The blue hat focuses on the meeting - praise - guide - summarise - facilitate - lists