# Cloud Storage
- [Main page](https://cloud.google.com/storage/)
- Object storage for unstructured data, archive data, temporary storage, internet accessible
- Globlal nam
# Tech thinks to remember
## hierarchy
- Global namespace (all names are unique in all of GCP)
- Buckets - top level units
## Storage clases
- Standard - for high perf
- Nearline - at least 30 days
- Coldline - at least 90 days
- Archive - at least 365 days
## Data distribution
- Regional
- in a region but in multiple zones
- Dual-region
- auto-failover
- Multi-region
## Object Lifecycle Management
- to change storage class
- only going down
- delete objects older than a certain period
- or keep objects for a minimum of time
- object holds to remove the ability to delete an object
- all is encrypted
- google
- customer managed but google's keys
- customer managed and customer's keys
- DELETE for versioning
- deleting live version -> creates a non-current version. The storage is still consumed
- deleting the non-current version -> deletes the object
## Security and Access
- Fine grained but obsolete
- Uniform bucket level access
- Signed UR
- time limited
- generate url
- access without IAM authorization
- Signed Policy Documents
- specify what can be uploaded to a bucket
- You can upload you own encryption key
- Supply the encryption key in a .boto configuration file. Use gsutil to upload the files.
## How to upload data
- Console; Command line (gsutils); API
- Cloud Storage Transfer
- To move from on-prem or other cloud providers
- Transfer Appliance
- shipped
- 40TB or 300TB
![[Google transfer method for large datasets.png]]
## Error codes
- [Status code](https://cloud.google.com/storage/docs/json_api/v1/status-codes)
- 401 Unauthorized
- 403 Forbidden
- 404 Not Found
- 409 Conflict
- Others are listed on the page
## Storage classes
From https://cloud.google.com/storage/docs/storage-classes as of 2021-12-02
| Storage Class | Name for APIs and gsutil | [Minimum storage duration](https://cloud.google.com/storage/pricing#archival-pricing) | Typical monthly availability<sup>1</sup> |
| ---------------- | ------------------------ | ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- | -------------------------------------------------------------------- |
| Standard Storage | `STANDARD` | None | * \>99.99% in multi-regions and dual-regions
* 99.99% in regions |
| Nearline Storage | `NEARLINE` | 30 days | * 99.95% in multi-regions and dual-regions
* 99.9% in regions |
| Coldline Storage | `COLDLINE` | 90 days | * 99.95% in multi-regions and dual-regions
* 99.9% in regions |
| Archive Storage | `ARCHIVE` | 365 days | * 99.95% in multi-regions and dual-regions
* 99.9% in regions |