# Welcome to my Digital Garden
## Welcome
Hello and welcome, I am [[About me - index|Frank Contrepois]], and this is my Digital Garden, where I learn in public. This is where I store or index new learning and discoveries, connecting them with my current knowledge.
[[You should have a digital garden]]
# Recent changes
![[Latest articles]]
![[Latest updated articles]]
# How to navigate a brain
As a real brain, there are two sides to it: the left side, also known as the [[Left side of the brain index|digital-brain]], is very logical and structured, and the right side, the [[Right side of the brain index|creative-brain]], filled ideas, lessons learned, and mental models.
Another way to navigate my brain is to pick a topic or a how-to. A topic is an area of interest, and a how-to is one or more notes that tackle a specific area of improvement.
## Topics
## How to
Manually updated
### Never stop improving
- [[how to be a better self]]
### Close to my heart
- [[how to be a better father]]
### Working with others
- [[how to have a long-term relationship]]
- [[how to be a better leader]]
- [[how to be a better advisor]]
- [[how to build a team]]
- [[how to do better meetings]]
- [[how to build trust]]
- [[how to be a better communicator]]
- [[how to do one to one]]
### Personal efficiency
- [[how to implement gtd]]
- [[how to remember numbers]]
- [[how to remember things]]
- [[how to be a better reader]]
- [[how to have more possibilities]]
- [[how to get stuff done well]]
- [[how to make better decisions]]
- [[how to be creative]]
- [[how to avoid common biases (brain shortcuts)]]
- [[how to recognise complexity]]
- [[how to recognise simplicity]]
### Convincing others
- [[how to be a better negotiator]]
- [[how to be a better writer]]
- [[how to be a better seller]]
- [[how to be a better notetaker]]
# Details on the project
You can see it as a Wikipedia of my brain or a second brain, where I can get back to my thoughts and be surprised by how concepts connect one to another.
The rules of the game are described in the [[Digital Garden Terms of Service]]
This is a bird's eye view of all the notes. The [[Left side of the brain index|left side]] is about logic and technology. The [[Right side of the brain index|right side]] is about being better and sharing my knowledge.
![[Brain Graph v2.png]]
## Disclaimer
I prioritise getting data in the system over making it perfect. So please excuse typos, grammar, and other mistakes - there are many.
# Thank you
This project is made possible thanks to [Obsidian](https://obsidian.md) and [Obsidian Publish](https://obsidian.md/publish). I'd like to also thank [Sho Umi](https://www.youtube.com/channel/UC525q2RIufHjnaHOuIUFY9A) for providing an excellent intro to the [Zettelkasten](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=rOSZOCoqOo8). And last, and by far the most important [[Rich Miller]] for starting it all :)